Forbes Features PRA PR Insight: The Brand Power of Landing on a List

On the public relations power of earning a top industry list inclusion:

You’ll walk away with four big wins: The credibility of being on a respected list, immediate exposure to new customers, validation among your current customers, and rock-star bragging rights; making a top list proves you are top of your game in your industry.
— Forbes article excerpt: Pam Abrahamsson, CEO, PRA Public Relations

The public relations and brand power of landing on a "best in industry list" is extraordinary.  This article by Forbes' award-winning journalist Steve Olenski delivers the in-depth look at an often-overlooked strategy to earn brand awareness and thought leadership - including some first-hand insight from PRA Public Relations founder Pam Abrahamsson.


I write about advertising, marketing, media & all subgroups therein.  Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own.

There are several major lists published each year to highlight the best and most highly regarded companies across the United States, and in specific regions; you know the ones- Forbes, Inc., Business Insider, Fortune.

And PR pros are fully aware of the benefits therein. Pam Abrahamsson, CEO, PRA Public Relations says earning a spot on a top list like Forbes is the brand equivalent of a grand slam.“You’ll walk away with four big wins: The credibility of being on a respected list, immediate exposure to new customers, validation among your current customers, and rock-star bragging rights; making a top list proves you are top of your game in your industry.”