Public Relations: Your Marketplace Superpower

With apologies to all of the action heroes in the metaverse and the silver screen – there’s a superhero in the world of business and its name is Public Relations.

While there’s no catchy name (we could call the strategy Super PR Powerhouse or similar but…naw) or stretchy unitard uniform, make no mistake:  there are strategies out there that deliver the same ability to bring trusted, credible and long lasting brand visibility and prospect awareness to an enterprise.

A thoughtful digital campaign can propel your business into an array of communication channels, from blogs and social networks to podcasts and online forums, to promote your brand seamlessly, position you as a thought leader, and put you in a positive light with your customers, business partners, and overall universe of influencers. 

The power of public relations is fourfold: 

1. Digital power: An evergreen online presence  

Content that promotes your brand -- but that wasn’t produced, published, or paid for by your brand – is rocket fuel for search engine results. Feature articles written by independent sources, for example, index by major search engines, where paid content campaigns do not. If the content is engaging, insightful, and relevant, it will continue to appear in search and will drive traffic to your website for months, even years, beyond its online debut.

2. Budget power: Free brand awareness

Getting the media to cover your business for free is the heart of great public relations. Advertising can be pricey, but media wins cost nothing. Best yet, they won’t go away when your budget runs out. If the stories you have to tell are compelling, journalists will want to write about them and will come back to you for more.  

3. Credibility power: Authentic earned media coverage

How many times have you started to read an article on the web, only to find the disclosure “sponsored content” tucked into the fine print?  Your interest in going any further likely ends then and there, as you know it’s a paid advertisement. Reaching your target audience is easier when you have authentic earned media coverage – when journalists or analysts write about your company, or when customers and the public share your content and speak about your brand unsolicited. These mentions are considered “authentic” and “earned” because they are voluntarily offered by others and not by your company. 

4. Education power: Information and conversation

From inclusive in-briefs and long-form features to coveted invitations to be published as a guest author, opportunities abound to educate your market audience, ignite conversation on meaningful topics, and deliver value overall. Influencers will organically share your content with their networks, bolstering you as a thought leader who’s tuned in to current events and industry trends -- and can offer helpful insights and guidance. 

In today’s world of social media chatter and paid content, aim for credible content and authentic connections. Let public relations be the superpower that tells your story, boosts your brand, and drives your business forward.  

Questions?  Want to know more?  Feel free to email us at – or sign up for our free, information-packed 15 FREE - a 15-minute chat session where you can ask ANYTHING about pr and we’ll answer.  Click here to get started.